Trails of a Lonely Heart. Get Your Book Listed Here fro FREE


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Trails of a Lonely Heart. Get Your Book Listed Here fro FREE






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Pattern Five - One in a Million. After losing his son Sam in a tragic horse accident, the promising young Wyoming reining trainer Tyler Roberts loses all interest in the sport he once loved, and turns to Jack Daniels and a solitary life in his small Wyoming cabin. All that changes when he receives a letter from his Aunt Jodie requesting his help on her ranch in Belgium. In Belgium, he meets a cast of colorful characters, including the beautiful young Slovakian, Lenka Duffek, and the equally beautiful Alanna van Rijn, the wife of a powerful and sinister businessman from Antwerpen. He also meets Ben Smith, a man with his own agenda, Then there were Jan de Backer, the ranch vet with a love for powder substances, and handyman Jimmy ?Uppercut? Murphy, an ex boxer and well-traveled Irishman from Galway. Last, but not least, Tyler also comes across a chestnut quarter horse called ?Jake the Snake, alias "The Duke," and quickly realizes the stallion is "one in a million." But all was not what it seemed on the SR Ranch. Dead horses, break-ins, barn fires, stolen tack, and worse yet, murder, became the order of the day. Surrounded by these people and their mysteries, Tyler calls in his best friend and former roper from Montana, old Bill Winters. This is the story of a man?s love for horses and his fight to regain his self-dignity and pride.


Author: Patrick Norris
Publication Date: July 7, 2012
Formats: Paperback & Kindle

































































































































































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