Anna's Place


Anna’s Place. Anna Royer and her daughter, Elizabeth, are haunted by the raw Wyoming landscape they left behind years before.  Their memories of the immensity of sky, the breadth of distance, the demons of weather and the spirits of the "Old Ones," conspire to draw them back to see what remains of their life there.  What they find confronts them with confusion and death and changes their lives forever.

Read an Excerpt from Anna’s Place


Author: Carol Eckhardt
Pub Date:
Formats: Paperback








 Homing. In the second of the Bear Valley series, Anna Royer and her daughter Elizabeth abandon successful professional lives to restore the derelict ranch homestead that shaped their early lives. The Spirit of the land, its wild and human residents, and very live “ghosts” challenge the idyllic lifestyle they intend to build. The same Spirit moves in the neighboring Kennedy and Adams families as they confront inevitable death and change.

Read an Excerpt from Homing   


Author: Carol Eckhardt
Pub Date:
Formats: Paperback











































































































































































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