rescue at pine ridgeBuy Now


Rescue at Pine Ridge the novel, is the untold story of the rescue of the framed 7th Cavalry, by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers. The novel takes the reader on a journey with one of the most highly disrespected regiments in the history of the United States Military, " The Buffalo Soldiers". The gossip and rumors they experienced were false due to paranoia and racism. The civilians, their Officers, the American Indians that gave them their name, who observed their bravery, gallantry and heroism, knew better Rescue at Pine Ridge is the story of the 9th Cavalry from its Congressional conception in 1866, to the rescue of the famed 7th Cavalry by the 9th Cavalry Buffalo Soldiers, 1890. The 7th Cavalry was entrapped again after the Little Big Horn Massacre, fourteen years later by the Lakota Nation, the day after the Wounded Knee Massacre


Author: Erich Martin Hicks
Publication Date: November 14, 2008
Formats: Kindle & Paperback







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Trails of a Lonely Heart. Get Your Book Listed Here fro FREE






desert steelBuy Now


Desert Steel. It was a narrow gauge spur line of the Desert & Central Railroad to be built between Garnet and Castle Mountain, primarily to permit rail transportation for the lead mines. But the proposed route lay over some of the roughest terrain in Nevada. Clint Buchanan was engaged as the new construction boss because the grade laying crew had virtually stopped working. That there would be opposition to his assuming the job became obvious while he was still traveling in a caboose on his way to the construction site.


Author: L. P. Holmes
Publication Date: November 4, 2014
Formats: Paperback & Kindle






The Calling


Sheriff Luke Atwell, a religious man, doubts his occupation after accidentally shooting a female bystander during a gunfight. The violent deaths of lawmen and criminals that follow heighten his questioning as he joins the priesthood to counter evil as a man of peace. However, his lawman instincts remain as he deals with crime in his inner-city parish. Temporarily relieved of his priestly obligations, Atwell returns as sheriff to the changed, now crime-ridden Kansas town to rethink his calling, joined by unlikely reinforcements—an experienced but alcoholic deputy and a youthful banjo player. The team, often outnumbered, confronts thieves and killers in a series of gun battles. As Atwell fights lawlessness, he struggles with his feelings toward a recent widow. Eventually he must decide: keep the badge or again wear the clerical collar.


Author: James P Hanley
Publication Date: October 6, 2014
Formats:  Paperback & Kindle























































































































































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