christmas campire companionBuy Now


Christmas Camps Companion. Fourteen of America's top western writers publishing today have contributed delightful Christmas stories to this collection, fourteen saddle-hardened writers who reached down to give a glimpse of their sensitive side. Each story is a gift, and each a take on Christmas . . . a western Christmas.
Stories by L. J. Washburn, Troy D. Smith, Frank Roderus, Tim Champlin, Larry D. Sweazy, Robert Vaughan, Douglas Hirt, Dusty Richards, Kerry Newcomb, Matthew P. Mayo, Robert Randisi, Rod Miller, James Reasoner, and Terry Burns!


Author: Various Authors
Publication Date: November 25, 2011






Trails of a Lonely Heart. Get Your Book Listed Here fro FREE


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Trails of a Lonely Heart. Get Your Book Listed Here fro FREE






The Wilderness RoadBuy Now


Out of the Battle of the Wilderness in Virginia, blind, wounded and delirious, comes Union Major Rip McKenna. Found wandering the woods, he is sheltered by southerner Katherine Stuart and her hodge-podge family. Tortured by flashbacks, nightmares, and survivor's guilt, McKenna is eventually spirited north, where his body recovers--but his mind does not. At last returning to his command, McKenna detours to pay his respects to Katherine, but she and her family have disappeared--refugeed to parts unknown.  At wars end, and now a profane, violent drunkard, the haunted McKenna settles in the West. And it is there, in the 'Hell on Wheels' of Cheyenne, Dakota Territory, where he must face his demons in order to rescue Katherine Stuart from a madman who has stalked her across half a continent


Author: L. G. Vernon
Pub.Date: May, 2008
Formats: Paperback


































































































































































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